Hi, I'm Abdelrahman!

Software Fullstack Backend Developer

I turn ideas into reality through code and creativity, building scalable and reliable software solutions.

GitHub Web apps APIs Games Bots Scripts

I am always up for some code shenanigans, check them out!

Abdelrahman Kandil

Software Developer

Hello there! My name is Abdelrahman Kandil.

I'm a curious and driven developer, constantly learning and exploring new technologies and programming languages to build better software products. My main specialty lies in fullstack development with a backend focus, building robust and scalable web applications.

I absolutely enjoy system design & software architecture and diving deep into the core logic of various underlying web technologies. Wanna talk? Feel free to contact me at anytime for a chat! I am always happy to share what I can.

- Expertise


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    Software Development

    I'm interested in software development in general, I love learning about algorithms, data structures, and design patterns. It's my way to express my creativity. Some people create music, movies, paintings or pottery. I create software.

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    Web development

    As a Fullstack Software Developer with a Backend focus, I am experienced in building and maintaining efficient backend systems using a variety of technologies such as Python, Django, FastAPI, Flask, NestJS, PostgreSQL, Docker, TypeORM, Node.js, and TypeScript.
    Moreover, not only am I proficient in designing and implementing RESTful APIs, but also in building responsive user interfaces using JavaScript, HTML/CSS and other technologies with a commitment to delivering high-quality and user-friendly web experiences.

- Let's Connect

Get in touch

I'm always available to take on new projects, so feel free to send me a message about anything that you want to run past me. You can contact me at anytime.